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Caprock brand Compatible Replacement Lamps for Tetra Pond 19526 GreenFree

This Caprock brand lamp is fully compatible with the Tetra Pond 19526 and other OEM lamps selling at much higher prices. It measures 80mm (about 3.25 inches). Its peak output is at 254nm (UV-C) for use in water purification and sterilization systems. The rated useful life is 9,000 hours. It is rated at 5 watts.

Length 83mm (3.25 inches)
Diameter 5/8 inch (T5)
Peak Output 254nm
Ozone Low
Base G23 (2 Pin)
Ordering Code CD/19526
Price (Each) $11.00

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The Caprock brand CD19526 is compatible with the following (and other) equipment models:

• Tetra Pond PLS5
• UV Mini Pond Clarifier
• UV5