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Caprock brand GPH330T5L/4 - GPH330T5L/4P 4 pin Pre-Heat Germicidal UV Lamp

This Caprock brand lamp is 100% compatible with OEM lamps selling at much higher prices. It measures 330mm (about 13 inches) excluding the 4 pins on the end of the lamp. Its peak output is at 254nm (UV-C) for use in water purification and sterilization systems. The rated useful life is 10,000 hours. Although nominally rated at 16 watts, some systems will overdrive the lamp for higher output at the expense of a shorter life.

Length 330mm (13 inches)
Diameter 5/8 inch (T5)
Peak Output 254nm
Ozone Low
Base 4 Pin (single end)
Ordering Code GPH330T5L/4 (4 PIN)
Price (Each) $24.00

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The GPH330T5L/4 - GPH330T5L/4P (4 Pin) is compatible with the following (and other) equipment models:

• Aqua Treatment Service (ATS) ATS4-330, SL-2, SL-2V
• Atlantic Ultraviolet 05-0201-R
• Ideal Horizons 42047, REH-8, SR-2, SR-3
• Master Water HIMSV-6, UV330/4
• Siemens LP4250, SBH-7, LP4250, SBH-7