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Caprock Brand Compatible Replacement for the Kelleigh 210-101C Lamp

Our 210-101C is a 38 inch fluorescent blacklight exposure lamp used in flexographic platemaking equipment by Kelleigh, normally in stock for immediate delivery.  The lamp is a T12 (1.5 inches in diameter), with peak UV output at 369nm, a 180 degree internal reflector and has two pins on each end.  Price:  $48.

Model numbers that use this lamp include:
Kelleigh 210 • Kelleigh 230 • Kelleigh 275 • Kelleigh 310

Call or email for pricing on any of these other Kelleigh lamps:
235-106B 235-111237-111A 238-111A238-111B 249-101B249-111B

Click to order this lamp now!